Synonyms for Fearful Synonyms for Continuance

Fear Factor has shocked and entertained audiences since its 2001 debut. Apart from its insane physical challenges, viewers tuned in to watch contestants brave their worst food fears and chow down on some genuinely disgusting dishes.
Some of these challenges may seem only a tad strange, while others are sure to make your stomach churn. Don't eat right before you check out these absolute worst food challenges on Fear Factor.
Donkey Urine
This food challenge was so foul that it wasn't even allowed to air. Instead, it popped up on the Fear Factor YouTube channel two years after filming. In this challenge, the contestants were required to drink either donkey semen or donkey urine. Right away, things got gag-worthy.

Audiences may be accustomed to watching people eat liver, cockroaches and spoiled foods on this show, but watching young women guzzle glass pitchers of "donkey juices" seemed to be a step too far. NBC smartly pulled the episode, potentially saving thousands of people's dinners from suddenly reappearing.
Fried earthworms became a common childhood experiment thanks to Thomas Rockwell's famous book, but raw worms are still considered a strange snack. This could be because earthworms eat, digest and pass dirt through their bodies, or it could be because earthworms are often associated with dead and decaying creatures.

Either way, the thought of chewing or swallowing these wriggly critters is enough to make most people a little queasy. The Fear Factor contestants who had to drink an earthworm cocktail did their best to get them down quickly, but it must have been difficult to keep the squirmy worms from coming back up.
100-Year-Old Egg
The revival of Fear Factor saw some updated and refined food challenges that were no less disgusting. The 100-year-old egg featured on a 2017 episode is a delicacy in Chinese culture. This dish is also known as a century egg, but it doesn't actually take a century to prepare.

It just looks — and apparently, tastes — like it was forgotten for a hundred years. The eggs used for Fear Factor had their shells removed, revealing the dark green, blackish innards. They have a strong sulfur smell and taste and a creamy consistency — a combination that's off-putting to many Western palates.
Cow Brains
Taking a note from Hannibal Lecter's book, the producers of Fear Factor decided that brains would make a great food-challenge item — in particular, cow brains. Unlike zombies, the contestants weren't eager to dive into the bloodied gray matter.

The sight of a full set of bovine brains isn't something that makes the average person's mouth water. Sure, if you were starving and in an extreme survival situation, the brains might look a little tempting. Otherwise, no thanks.
Duck Embryo
Eggs are a source of life, nutrition and, apparently, disgusting food challenges. One of the most horrifying things in the world is cracking open an egg to make breakfast, only to find a half-developed embryo in your bowl. So, purposely having contestants chow down on dead duck embryos is like a nightmare brought to life.

The tiny bird babies were still encased in their shells, forcing the contestants to peel away layers of hard calcium to reach the creatures inside. This challenge is difficult to watch, so you can only imagine how difficult it was to complete.
Blood and Leech Cocktails
This challenge is both gag-inducing and cringe-worthy. After suffering blood loss from a small army of leeches, contestants were required to pull the creatures off their bodies and plunk them into a large glass. They were then instructed to drink the mix of blood and leeches.

These poor people had to drink the living parasitic worms that just fed on their bodies. This challenge was gory, gruesome and disgusting. The thought of swallowing leeches is terrible enough, but when they're swimming in your blood, things are that much more awful. How does anyone win these contests?
Buffalo Testicles
Bull or buffalo testicles are often deep-fried and served in Western-themed restaurants. However, raw testicles aren't as appealing. For one, they look exactly how you'd imagine they would look. And what's even worse is that they taste like — well, never mind. Uncooked and unspiced, the buffalo testicles were remarkably fresh at least. And they squirted juices each time contestants bit into them.

All of that was enough to make people toss their cookies and bid Fear Factor a fond farewell, but somehow, a few contestants were able to wolf down the meaty spheres and move on to more difficult challenges.
Bug Smoothies
Bug juice and a bug smoothie are two very different things. One is a delicious, fruit punch-like drink that campers love. The other is a mangled brew of cockroach limbs and mealworm guts. Sadly, the contestants on Fear Factor were challenged to drink the horrific smoothie and not the tasty punch.

Though this rancid concoction might have been palatable after an hour of consistent blending, it was just a buggy mess after a few short pulses in the blades. Can you imagine sipping on a bug-guts smoothie, only to find a still-twitching leg caught in your teeth?
Camel Spiders
A camel spider is an unholy beast that appears to be half scorpion and half spider. And as if their physiology isn't weird enough, they can also grow to be more than half a foot long. These facts ensure that camel spiders remain one of the least-tasty and least-alluring dishes on the face of the planet.

Of course, the more avoided a food or creature is, the more attractive it becomes to the chefs of Fear Factor. When the contestants bit into the gigantic spiders, they immediately became nauseated. The crunch of teeth against exoskeletons was unforgettable.
Eye Juice
What is it with Fear Factor and juices? It seems that the team behind the infamous show had a thing for making juice out of foods that should never be juiced. Take, for example, cow eyes. They're not a standard smoothie ingredient, and, hopefully, they never will be.

A handful of unlucky participants got the chance to get familiar with a gigantic bowl of bovine eyes. Like children bobbing for apples, these poor souls had to suck up cow eyeballs, mush them up in their mouths and spit the eye juice out into glasses. Unbelievable, but true.
Maggoty Cheese and Cow Snouts
Plenty of food items go together well — peanut butter and jelly, chocolate milk and cookies and, naturally, maggoty cheese and cow snout. Alright, so the last one isn't a typical combination, but it was an option for the contestants of Fear Factor.

And it was an option that meant the difference between winning a large amount of money or going home empty-handed. The maggoty cheese did seem doable, but how exactly does one eat a cow snout? Not only is it gross, but it also seems impossible. But the contestants managed to do their best.
Do you know the sound that fills the room after you've done or said something awkward? Those are crickets chirping. Not only are they musical creatures, but they also make fantastic fish bait. What they don't do is constitute a nice meal.

Survivalists will tell you that crickets are high in protein, but the average Joe will tell you that eating crickets is an insane thing to do. Fortunately, they're not too large and not very aggressive, making them one of the easier bug-related food challenges on the show. Still, eating live insects can be pretty traumatic.
Gag-worthy Smoothies
Morning smoothies provide a great way to get a boost of energy and nutrition before starting your day. But in the land of Fear Factor, they can be a way to make yourself instantly sick. With a bundle of vending machine goods at their disposal, the contestants were asked to blend them all and drink the gunk.

The ingredients given to them included sardines, alfredo sauce, hot sauce and a mystery beef pate. While these aren't so bad on their own, they can be disgusting when combined. The guys who bravely chugged this stuff down deserve a medal.
Hot Sauce Galore
The 2017 Fear Factor reboot gave the world a glimpse of some of the most interesting food challenges the show ever attempted. These included the hot sauce challenge. The first part of the challenge required contestants to hold insanely strong hot sauce in their mouths and spit it out into a glass.

Once the glass was full, they had to drink the spit-up mixture of sauces as quickly as possible. The only upside to this whole procedure was the tiny capsaicin high contestants must have felt while participating.
Live Snails
Cooked snails, also known as escargot, are a French delicacy that can fetch a high price. So maybe the contestants faced with this challenge should be grateful for the free meal. Or, maybe not. The snails laid before them weren't spiced or cooked — or even dead.

Slowly trying to escape from the bowl of doom, these snails tried very hard to survive this challenge. The power of potential wealth overcame the contestants' disgust, and many snails were lost that day. On the upside, a few contestants may have developed a taste for French cuisine.
Maggot Sushi
Quality sushi can be hard to find. It requires masterful technique and skillful preparation. The chefs on Fear Factor didn't seem to understand the delicate nature of sushi, as they made theirs with maggots and cockroaches.

But every problem has a solution, and this challenge's answer came in the form of one brave contestant with a stomach large and powerful enough to handle the wriggling dish. This challenge deserves an inspirational anthem behind it. The willpower and stamina required to down this many maggots was immense.
An Ostrich Egg
Athletes have long used raw eggs as an immediate source of energy. However, swallowing raw eggs can be dangerous and is an acquired taste, to say the least. So when contestants were asked to drink an entire raw ostrich egg, they were probably dubious.

A single ostrich egg can weigh about as much as 24 chicken eggs. This challenge was kind of like swallowing two-dozen raw eggs all at the same time. That means that if a single raw egg makes you hurl, this will make you hurl 24 times harder.
Pig Rectum
Eating rectum might be gaining popularity in certain circles of modern culture, but it wasn't so hot in the early 2000s. When contestants were challenged to chow down on pig rectum, they weren't happy. But they were determined to win that cash prize.

The pig rectum challenge is actually one of the funnier Fear Factor food challenges. One contestant made a point of quipping after each bite, leading to some well-deserved reprimands from Joe Rogan. For those hoping to catch a lighter episode, check this one out. Be warned that they go hard at that pig rectum, though.
Pig Snout
Contestants found themselves in a porky situation when faced with an on-the-nose food challenge. Various unwanted pig parts were passed around to the ashen-faced participants, and the choices included a pig snout. If you're unfamiliar with pig snouts, know that they're very tough and cartilaginous. Human noses are quite similar, as are shark fins.

This makes for an unpleasant dining experience. Contestants had to chew endlessly on the snouts just to swallow the tissue. Instead of being gifted with something gross but easy to drop down the hatch, the contestant who earned this item suffered through endless, chewy hell.
Rat Stew
Rats are feared and hated around the world. They're excellent at transmitting diseases and breaking into restaurants and homes. So naturally, they're not often the prime ingredient in soups and stews. After this Fear Factor challenge, they probably never will be.

Rodents have a very particular taste to them, apparently, and it doesn't seem to be a great one. Not only that, but rats have notoriously long and rough tails. These tails were easy to choke on and difficult to chew, making this a very dangerous challenge.
Roadkill Meal
This unexpected food challenge began with host Joe Rogan clearing several dead critters from a road. It didn't get much better from there, especially when contestants were asked to down an entire plate of roadkill several minutes later. If you've ever encountered a dead animal on the side of the road, you can imagine how wonderful that "food" smelled.

How badly that roadkill dish tasted is a mystery for most people. It's easy to imagine that it was gamey, chewy, stringy and completely inedible. It might be easier to eat cold rocks than eat a hot plate of roadkill.
Bile and Slugs
Ah, that classic dinner combination: bile and slugs. What could be better? Probably just about anything else in the world — except for all the other foods on this list. Still, we give points to the showrunners for putting the bile in a nifty shot glass!

Your liver produces bile, a greenish liquid, and sends it into the gallbladder for storage. It's sour, and it burns. Consuming bile on its own would be bad enough. Adding live slugs to the mix just seems cruel.
Rotten Squid Doughnut
Doughnuts are typically sweet treats, and only a few brave bakers have attempted savory versions. This challenge proved that meat doesn't belong inside of a doughnut, especially rotten meat. It also showed what would happen if you injected a doughnut with squid ink. The result was a big ol' mess and an upset stomach.

Of course, contestants who agree to appear on Fear Factor aren't expecting fine-dining challenges. They know that they're about to face off with some of the most upchuckable foods in the world. Maybe that's why they always look so determined.
Stink Beetles
Stink beetles get their name from the strong, unpleasant odor they release when threatened. They're not known to bite, and they don't carry diseases, which is nice. However, this episode's writers determined that hundreds of stink beetles needed to die for the sake of the show.

The bugs remained in glasses, completely harmless, until contestants were asked to eat them. At that point, they defended themselves as best they could by stinking up the joint. For the contestants, it must have been like trying to drink a glass of methane gas.
Various Fish Parts
For some, fresh seafood is a delight and a temptation. For others, it's something to avoid as often as possible. No matter how you feel about seafood, there's one thing that nearly all people hate about it: the guts. The innards that people normally discard seemed primed to become a fantastic Fear Factor challenge. And they did.

In the tuna challenge, contestants had to eat fish eyes, fish stomachs, cod egg sacs and sea snails. It was a plate of salty slime that not even the most gifted chef could make palatable.
Water Buffalo Penises
Fear Factor might have had an exclusive deal with a water buffalo rancher because there sure have been a lot of challenges involving water buffalo parts. This one was particularly disturbing, though, because it involved genitals — lots and lots of water buffalo penises, to be more precise. Hopefully, these buffalo were already deceased when their wedding tackle was removed.

Still, there's just something so graphic and so disturbing about watching a group of people viciously bite into barely cooked buffalo parts. This challenge is especially difficult to watch, and you might want to hold off on YouTubing it — maybe forever.
Worm Sausage
Sausages are kind of gross when you think about it. They're animal intestines filled with ground-up meat and spices. True, many modern brands of sausages use other materials besides intestines to encase the fillings. But what about when you fill them with live worms?

You read that correctly. Live worms. That's exactly what a few Fear Factor contestants had to deal with when faced with a plate of sausage. Upon first glance, the meal just looked like an uncooked link, but then it started to move.
Fear Factor Pizza
Who doesn't love a nice cheesy pizza? Sure, folks with gluten allergies or lactose intolerance might not be too keen on a typical slice, but there are gluten-free options and vegan cheese. So, what do you do when you're given a pizza that's made of bile, coagulated blood and moldy cheese?

These contestants weren't given a trash can to toss the concoction. They were given silverware. They were also allowed to play a short game to determine their slices' toppings. These possible toppings included worms and eyes. Let's hope that this pizza place is closed for business.
Tomato Worms
Tomatoes are juicy, delicious and flavorful. The worms that infest them (imaginatively called "tomato worms") are equally as moist and flavorful, but they don't happen to be as tasty. Contestants got the opportunity to learn this for themselves during the tomato worm challenge.

Like the cow eye challenge, contestants had to chew the nasty food but not swallow it. Instead, they had to spit the worm guts into a thin tube. The first group to make it to a line marked on the tube won the challenge. In this case, vomiting would have finally been helpful.
Horse Rectum
If you end up on Fear Factor, you'll likely end up being the butt of many jokes. But in this food challenge, contestants were asked to eat butt, and that was the joke. To be more specific, they had to eat horse rectum.

Eating the rectum of any animal is gag-worthy, but a horse is just about one of the worst choices. Horses are massive creatures, and it only makes sense that they have relatively long and wide rectums. The contestants who made it through this challenge should feel proud of themselves, but they should also question their life decisions.
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