What's a Good Opening Line for Tinder

Good Tinder opening lines help you to create an interesting conversation with your match.
Good Tinder opening lines help you to create an interesting conversation with your match.

Finding something to say on Tinder is not always easy.

For some it comes naturally, whereas for others, it does not come at all.

They have to dig deep and even ask for help.

Tinder users have been known to employ others to help them chat to a match for them.

Eventually, they end up meeting the person face to face.

If at all you are guilty of this, learn what to say on your Tinder First Date.

The good news is that you no longer need to hire people to speak on your behalf.

The much knowledge that you will pick up from this guide will improve your confidence.

Your charm will glare.

Your candor will magnify throughout your Tinder conversations.

Tinder openers are best delivered when your match is online.

They have more impact when the conversation is promptly responded to.

So, you might want to hold on before messaging until she logs in.

This will be a very interesting and easy to follow guide.

I will not lie to you that it will be a five minute read.

It is quite the breadth of words.

This will require a cup of good tea and no disturbance.

We shall look at 5 major categories of Tinder opening lines.

  • The good Tinder opening lines
  • The funny Tinder opening lines
  • The best Tinder opening lines
  • Tinder opening lines to avoid.
  • Tinder opening lines where there is no bio.

Also, we shall add:

  • What to say on Tinder.
  • Why you should not just say "hey".
  • How to pick up girls on Tinder.
  • Answer to who is supposed to message first on Tinder.
  • Your quick recap.
  • The expert verdict in the conclusion.

The best thing about this read is that it presents you with all the above categories of Tinder opening lines.

Therefore, it appeals to the serious guys, jokers and guys just looking for sex.

I. Tinder Opening Lines

Conversation starters may be cheesy, clever, irresistible or plain funny.

Guys should be very creative when approaching girls in their opening lines.

These of course are the product of the Tinder opening lines.

Online dating is impossible without some great opening lines.

Aim your Tinder opening messages at charming a girl.
Aim your Tinder opening messages at charming a girl.

Bear in mind that a good Tinder opening line must have the following three core principles:

  • It is easy to respond to.

Whether it is a joke, a question on movies or role play, it is easy to understand.

  • It woos her to feel your approach. She feels something instantaneous.

The opening line is a good compliment of her beauty, choice in clothes or just chosen path of work. Therefore it woos her.

  • It is funny, interesting, creative, timely and easily lovable.

Jokes are not always appealing but when made at the right time, they are.

A good joke saves a conversation. You can borrow some tips from some Tinder First Date Ideas.

If you can compose your Tinder openers guided by the above principles, you will do so well.

A. Good Opening Messages for Tinder

There are plenty of opening messages.

Only a handful of them is good.

I do not advise using cheesy opening lines most of the time because they are common and unoriginal.

It is best to use unique opening lines.

That being said, here are some good Tinder opening lines.

1. Try using a GIF or an Emoji

Have you ever noticed how girls use emojis a lot in their texting?

They also use GIFs and are mostly based on love hearts.

It would serve you well to use GIFs and emojis in your messaging.

They stir attention and interest from your match.

Use GIFs and emojis as often as you can.

Be creative and describe your online dating experience using just emojis.

Using emojis makes messages attractive for girls.
Using emojis makes messages attractive for girls.

I see Tinder users doing this a lot and it gets them the right attention.

2. Ask a question

The most obvious message that you could pose to a Tinder user is on where they live.

You could add in what they do for a living.

It is not hard to find something to say when you ask these two questions as they mostly receive replies.

Most Tinder users are ready to tell you their places of abode especially when they want to meet you soon.

Questions guarantee you replies from girls.
Questions guarantee you replies from girls.

Asking questions is a general rule of What to Say on Tinder as it creates a call to action.

In short, this call to action is "an obligation to reply".

For example:

"I am June from Jakarta and love to play baccarat. How about you?"

"Oh that is great June. I am April from Mumbai and love to play poker".

A question hardly goes unanswered on Tinder.

Therefore, base your Tinder openers on questions creating a call to action.

3. What are you looking for here?

People use Tinder for many reasons: to hook-up, to find love or to steal in catfish behaviour.

The Tinder Catfish is never so direct and she may hide using several means.

Find out how to Expose the Tinder Profiles.

Apart from the two questions above on place of abode and work, asking about one's mission on Tinder pays.

Have a peek at, Tinder First Message to see the advantage of asking whether someone is single.

Never make assumptions on Tinder.

Some users are there because they are married and want a third party for sex.

Some users are there because they just want a hookup. Therefore, they keep many partners around.

Asking about what someone is doing on Tinder also helps you save your time.

4. What TV shows or movies get your attention?

Many Tinder users still drool over Keeping up with the Kardashians.

They still drool over drama over YouTube.

They still love to talk about Taylor Swift and Michael Jackson.

Better yet, they are into romance movies and television series on romance or vampires.

Talk about some TV Shows to get you going.
Talk about some TV Shows to get you going.

Bring these up and creatively too.

They earn you the "coolness" points and make you look current and updated.

Most millennial Tinder users love such talks of movies, music or fashion.

For example:

"What sort of relationship would Taylor Swift have with Justin Bieber?"

"An emotional one. They seem to hurt a lot".

It becomes easier to role play using celebrities and imaginative scenarios.

You should try as much as possible to use this.

5. Do you ever think that your soul mate could be on Tinder?

Such a question becomes a good point of thought for the match.

She becomes instantly interested in you.

It incites her to think whether you could be the soul mate that she has been looking for.

Girls love such things.

Talks of soul mates are very agreeable to girls.
Talks of soul mates are very agreeable to girls.

They stir up their pony and unicorn sides (mushy sides). It is like you are her knight in shining armor.

Talks of soul mates running together into the sunset are just frivolous to think of.

They are life giving and invoke thoughts of meeting up for a date and making it a great experience.

B. Funny opening lines

Funny Tinder opening lines are better than cheesy ones.

They make a girl feel secure with you as you do not come out as uptight.

Funny Tinder opening lines are incredibly relaxing and create an open mind within your match.

Girls are into funny men more than very serious men.

They want to have fun and your presentation as funny makes them think this about you.

Here are some funny Tinder opening lines.

1. You seem like my appendix and I should take you out

If at all something solid gets stuck in the appendix, it may lead to a complication.

It therefore must be taken out.

The appendix is also technically a useless organ in the body.

Now you understand where the joke comes from.

A funny conversation on the appendix is a good way to crack a joke.
A funny conversation on the appendix is a good way to crack a joke.

Such a joke speaks volumes about your intentions with a girl.

It clearly denotes that you want to take her out for lunch or dinner.

You should use this in as many ways as you can. The wordings could be different.

2. If you read Dr. Seuss, green eggs and you know what

You must watch the movie, Dr. Seuss and the Lorax to understand this one.

It is a great joke to use.

It means that you can not only take a girl out but you can do romantically interesting things to her.

She most probably will love the idea.

It will turn her on and most probably win you a date with her.

Jokes like these hardly fail to deliver a positive feedback for you.

3. Will you tell your friends we met on Tinder or on our first date

It is fun to play with the psychology of a match.

Confuse them so that they are forced to think further.

When you do that, they find you mysterious.

Girls love mysterious guys.

Girls love romantically creepy guys.

Don't always be cool. At times, be an interesting nerd.

It works like a charm.

4. I got a haircut without asking my mom. I feel like a bad boy

If you tell a girl this, she immediately goes into finding you to be independent.

You should expect a reply like, "I will come wash your head with the perfume on my hands".

You sent her a funny text and easy to play along with. She can say anything that is also funny.

Talking of mama's boys on Tinder is funny.

Girls like guys who are independent of their moms and dads.

They see you as capable of taking care of yourself and them too.

This scores you a lot of points with them.

5. I have a knife and an empty plate, what will you add to the mix?

She could be ready to add a pizza or chicken.

That means that you end up getting a date with her.

All that is needed is to know her a little bit more and ask for her number.

Notice that this kind of message helps to play a game.

Talking of food or related stuff is a good way to be funny.
Talking about food or related stuff is a good way to be funny.

Role playing and other sort of games help to create interest in the match.

They defeat boredom and assure you a longer conversation with your match.

A longer conversation means that you will likely get a real life date eventually.

C. Best opening lines on Tinder

There are good opening lines as we already saw above.

There also are the best opening lines of all time.

These are the ones that you can use on anyone any day and they will benefit you.

You actually could use these on any other online dating platform besides Tinder.

1. Ask how you should start an opening line

Talk to her as if you do not know what to say.

It is not really to bore her but to make her also respond to you like she does not know what to say.

It leads you to an open conversation that makes you both relaxed.

I call it, "acting a fool".

You can say anything random when unsure of what to say.
You can say anything random when unsure of what to say.

You know yet you pretend not to know.

This is a wise way to talk to a girl.

Never show her that you are so smart.

Play with her psychology.

Girls feel belittled when they think that the guy is too smart.

Do not be a know-it-all.

2. Ask them questions specific to their profiles

The best Tinder opening line is always based on one's profile.

If you like, you could use the Tinder Plus Features 2021 to spy on a girl's profile and ask her questions in your real account.

That means, you could have a fake account just for spying on her.

Later on, come back to your real account and recall the things that she had mentioned from your fake account.

Peek at a girl's bio and find out stuff about her.
Peek at a girl's bio and find out stuff about her.

This gives you an edge over her.

She will never know it but you already know so much about her anyway.

3. Tell her about the interests that you share

When you notice that a girl has interests that you both share, tell her.

Remember that point above on soul mates?

It is under Good Opening Messages, point number 5.

If you share interest, please talk about them.
If you share an interest, please talk about them.

When girls realize that there are interests that you share, they immediately become interested in you.

It is as if they have finally found their long lost soul mate.

This is the best news ever to a guy as it guarantees you a date.

4. Flatter her

Do not overdo it but, flatter her.

Women still love to be told how attractive they are and what angels they are.

They love to be lied to a little.

Tell a fat girl that she is sexy. Tell a slim girl that she has a wonderful body.

It is called a white lie.

There is nothing wrong with it.

Girls too can lie to men a bit. It is harmless.

Whatever you do, just flatter somebody.

Make them feel special and important.

5. Use creativity and imagination

You must be creative and have a wild imagination.

Tell a girl that you will take her to the top of the Statue of Liberty for dinner.

Tell her that you will take her to the top of the Louvre for sightseeing.

Be very imaginative.

Use creativity and imagination to win her over.
Use creativity and imagination to win her over.

This applies even to your other Tinder opening lines.

Make them very creative and imaginative.

6. Offer to take care of the first date food bill

It is gentleman of you to handle the bills on the first date.

It is a good sign that you can take care of her.

She will trust you and forever see you as a capable person.

So, make the first date be on you.

You can just tell her this on the messages and promise it.

Remember to keep your promise.

You can know how to succeed on Tinder using the Tinder Guide 2020.

It outlines all that you need to do on Tinder to ensure guaranteed success.

7. A little sensitivity and a caring side helps you

Guys make the mistake of being tough.

Girls are sensitive.

Girls like soft things most of the time.

Use sensitivity and a bit of a caring nature to attract girls.
Use sensitivity and a bit of a caring nature to attract girls.

They would rather watch a movie about love and triumph than a horror.

They would rather have a peaceful boyfriend than a violent one.

Do not be so tough.

Try to be a bit sensitive.

Later on in this read, we are going to come across, how to pick up girls on Tinder.

You will learn more about this.

8. Give her options on anything

This could be food, clothing or cars.

For example. "A Station Wagon or an Audi?"

An Audi is a more beautiful car and many girls will love this.

A Station Wagon is more of a family car and many girls who want a marriage will love this.

It is impressive how much you can tell about a girl by asking her a simple question.

So give her some options on anything that you can think of.

Here are some ideas: car models, cakes, alcohol, celebrities or vacation spots.

9. Have a quick role play

This could be on anything famous or current.

Remember that we are looking at the best Tinder opening lines.

Yes, we already discussed this but this is just one of the best Tinder opening lines out there.

Role playing stimulates her interests and yours too.

Role playing is a great way to create a Tinder opening line.
Role-playing is a great way to create a Tinder opening line.

It shows that you can indulge in creative fun and make it better in real life.

Do some back and forth in role play with her.

It will soften her up to like you faster.

For example:

"Kanye West goes to church on a Sunday morning, what does Kim do?"

"Dress up like an angel and prefers to fly to heaven".

Several exchanges of a role play not only helps you find what to say, it also kills boredom.

You can just guess up anything and go with it in your role play.

10. Fight her safely (Have a friendly fight)

She may ignore your first message.

Okay, do not panic.

Tell her, "I like it that your first trait is playing hard to get, mine is hard to quit".

That is a beautiful line with a beautiful presentation.

I do not think after that she would ever ignore your message again.

A girl is only as responsive as you interest her.

Keep her hooked and she will message you before you message her.

That totally means that she likes you.

D. What to say on Tinder

You can have a list of things to say on Tinder.

There is only one thing that is important to remember.

There are guides that you must adhere to on What To Say on Tinder.

These are:

  • Get some ideas from her bio.
  • Play along with the fact that you do not know what to say.
  • Have some good jokes around.
  • Compliment her whenever you can. Do not overdo it.
  • Try to get her number in your conversations.

Following these guides on all your messages helps you a lot.

E. Tinder opening lines where there is no bio

1. If they have a picture, start off with it

Do not get confused on what to say.

At least she has a photo that you can talk about.
At least she has a photo that you can talk about.

At least they may have a profile picture.

Use that as a starting point for the conversation.

The profile picture does not have to be real.

Even if they are using a dog, use that dog as a conversation starter.

2. Say something funny

Jokes work well where there is no bio.

There are some good funny Tinder opening lines above that we already saw.

Pick one and used it.

You cannot go wrong with jokes.

3. Say you are caught up on messaging

It is hard to work with a blank bio.

You really may not know what to say.

It is the best time to play a fool.

Come up with something random such as:

"If I could run all over the world, I would want to land in your arms".

It is so random and weird.

It even makes no sense.

That is okay. What matters is that it starts off a conversation.

4. Try to ask something that they must reply to

For example:

"Usually when I wake up, I adjust my glasses before I make coffee, in your photo, you seem to be throwing a basketball I think?"

She must reply to this.

It not only is interesting but also starts up something to talk about.

That is, "What do you first do when you wake up?"

A match having no profile opens up a door for you to help her write one in messages.

Ask her a question she must reply to because the conversation just flows.

You will therefore learn something about her and hopefully find her a good deal for a date.

5. Play a game with them

We keep on repeating this almost everywhere among the best of the Tinder opening lines.

It works best as a funny opening line, a good opening line or an opening line to counter a blank bio.

Play games to make your matches respond to you.

Games do not have to be funny, they can be serious.

For example:

"If I shot you, would you like to go to the hospital or have me lick your wounds clean?"

May be she would reply with:

"Licking my wounds sounds erotic and fun".

You get the point?

Games are funny and also serious or sexy.

F. Tinder Opening Lines to Avoid

You do not have to talk about her beautiful face or her attractive chest every time.

Too much flattery turns her off.

Show moderation.

1. Hello/Hallo

Whether you use it in English or German, you should never use it at all!

It is shallow, boring and just plain.

There is nothing sexy about this.

"Hey" only messages are extremely boring.

2. Talking sex immediately

Hold your horses.

Try to get her real name first.

Try to talk to her until you get her number.

No, talk sex if you want. Take your time.

3. Insulting someone for not replying to you

People are busy.

Girls are dramatic and may be having a bad hair day.

Girls may be sick with periods and other girly issues.

These reasons may be why she never replied. Do not insult her.

4. Sobbing, crying and being overly emotional

You can complain about general things like the COVID-19 and loss of jobs.

However, do not cry about your ex stealing your money or you being a drug addict.

These totally turn off girls.

5. Asking for money

Tinder is not a charity site to raise money.

It is an online dating site.

Catfishing is a terrible habit on Tinder.
Catfishing is a terrible habit on Tinder.

It is a site to find love, relationships, a marriage partner or mere sex.

Never ask anyone for money on Tinder.

G. Why you should not just say "hey" on Tinder

Well, isn't it obvious?

It is boring.

It does not make a call to action.

At least ask for her name or her number.

Add a compliment to a mere "hey".

For example, "Hey pretty, I am Oksana and I totally love girls who drive big cars".

You will get a reply instantly or at least you can be sure this will get you a reply.

H. How to pick up girls on Tinder

Here is how to pick up girls on Tinder:

  • Be sensitive.

Do not come out as very aggressive. Show a bit of emotion.

  • Do not be a cheat or a catfish.

Girls appreciate honesty.

Be happy, jovial and just charming.

  • Try not to be very violent.

If she doesn't like you, don't beg her. Let her go. Tinder is full of girls.

  • Be sweet and caring.

You can even use white lies that make her feel beautiful or important. It is okay. Just be sweet.

  • Keep your promises.

Do not be a deceiver (catfish). Offer to help pay for the bills.

I. Yes, You Can Message First on Tinder

Sending the first message on Tinder is okay even if you are a girl.

Do not think that it shows you are desperate.

Whether a guy or a girl, you can send the first message on Tinder.

J. Recap

Here is your recap of Tinder opening lines.

  • They can be funny, just good, the best or used where there is no bio.
  • They also need to be avoided if at all they will be plain such as, "hey".
  • Use compliments and jokes together.
  • Create a call to action, at least ask a question.
  • Whether a guy or a girl, you can message first.
  • A good opening line gets you a real life date in the end.
  • They are best delivered with role playing, games or light jokes to keep up the conversation.


This was a long read.

I do believe that it was worth your time.

Tinder opening lines are as easy as you have read above.

Do not complicate them.

Follow this guide and have yourself a successful Tinder experience.

Without much ado, good luck to you.

What's a Good Opening Line for Tinder

Source: https://datingzest.com/tinder-opening-lines/

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